Tag Archives: fan fiction

How Fandom is Strange and Inspiring

What is fandom? Wikipedia says it “is a term used to refer to a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest.” That seems about right. It’s a well known fact, if you know me, that I tend to get pulled toward the little known harmless subcultures. Such as the band Hanson or the musical Cats. (Really, those are the main two.) Cats in fact has inspired me to become more artistic growing up. A long and seemingly never-ending project I’m ‘working on’ is a fan fiction based in the world of Cats, dating back to 24 years before the Jellicle Ball that is the musical. It’s an epic tale conceived with one of my best friends Julie, whom I met in Jr. High (when the story got started). We are currently re-writing it, mostly for our own enjoyment. I got to see her for New Years and together we got to talking about what we always talk about; how the characters in this famous yet conceptual musical are related.

Also, recently I’ve met some girls who are interested in the costume design of the musical. We all have dressed up as the characters different times in our lives, for fun and for performance. It’s a bit of an odd hobby (and nervously borders on the world of ‘furrys’ which I am not a part of) However, it is harmless creativity and fun. I talked a bit about my experiences with Cats costuming in my Monday vlog here:

Thank you for putting up with my odd fandom talk, there will be more of it here for sure. If anyone has any ideas for videos for my main channel, Cats related or not, let me know!