Tag Archives: wizard rock

For Old Times Sake

I am one person away from having 100 subscribers on YouTube…wtf??
This is exciting, someone who doesn’t know it yet will be the 100th person and will singlehandedly start my contest off!
I’m gonna give stuff away once that person gets there!
I might even write you all a song…nope…that’ll be for my 1,000th subscriber…
(I need time to learn how to play…anything…)
Sub Me

Video Time!
This is an old documentary I made with my classmates back in 2007.
I’m re-uploading it because it always seems to come up every now and then in conversation and it was uploaded to an old (soon to be gone) channel and in bad quality.
Now it’s on my main channel, better quality, and it will remain here for pretty much ever.
Please enjoy.

I do how to videos now…in HD!
How To Make Mac and Cheese!

If you watched that (as with all my weekly vlogs) I’m surprised…but if ya did, die idea…good? bad?
Let me know!

Fun with HD

So, ever since I got my new Cannon Rebel T2i (a beautiful SLR camera) I have been using it more for filming on then for actually taking photos. I mean, sure, tons of Christmas photos were taken but besides that…it’s all been video. So I’ve been searching for tons and tons of Final Cut Pro how-tos. It’s great because now I know how to edit in widescreen and export an HD video (youtube ready), all the wonderful things college editing classes did not teach me. Exciting! Anyways, this lovely new toy has lead me to make more and more videos for my youtube channel (as you’ve probably noticed). I’d like to share the latest one with you. It’s a contest entry to a music video contest for a wizard rock band called Ministry of Magic. The song is about the seventh book but my video’s premiss is ‘what if I could go to the wizarding world?’ It was a bit of a spur the moment project so the cinematography is not the best, but the story is fun and the HD is just amazing to me (I love new things!) So go check it out and tell me what you think.